Twisting fate in their favor

Twisting fate in their favor

Soon after WWE ushered in its "Attitude" era to our fans around the world, one brotherly tandem soared highest atop this new state of sports-entertainment. With their daredevil in-ring style, the high-flying, risk-taking Hardys ascended the ranks of the tag division as's No. 2 Greatest Tag Team.

Training themselves on a backyard trampoline while growing up in the pinewoods of Cameron, N.C., each Hardy achieved WWE Superstardom bringing different qualities to their battles -- Jeff with his body-sacrificing aerial attacks, and Matt with a down-and-dirty, never-say-die attitude. Yet despite their individual disparities, the talented brothers formed an unbeatable bond in the ring. In fact, they were the epitome of sibling synchronization, combining Jeff's fast-paced offense with Matt's will to win. Any occasion that put the duo into ring action would result in what many -- themselves included -- labeled as sheer "Poetry in Motion."

The Hardys' joint climb to the top began with Michael "P.S." Hayes -- whose Fabulous Freebirds garnered's No. 5 spot in this List -- as their manager, passing his knowledge down to Matt & Jeff. Their first taste of tandem gold came after defeating the A.P.A. for the World Tag Team Championship in June 1999; the reign was short-lived, though it firmly established The Hardys on WWE's highly competitive tag team map.

Throughout 1999, 2000 and 2001, Matt & Jeff would have unforgettable rivalries with Edge & Christian (No. 4 on this List) the Dudley Boyz and seemingly unparalleled heights (look no further than Jeff's terrfying leap off the top rung during WrestleMania 2000's World Tag Team Title Ladder Match) while capturing World Tag Team gold four more times. The gravity-defying duo became a trio when Lita joined The Hardys to form "Team Xtreme" in 2000, and Matt & Jeff would continue to compete in some of the highest-risk, greatest reward contests in WWE history. Jeff's willingness to constantly put his body on the line was fueled by both Matt's persistent fortitude and the lady-luchadore -- a mixture that skyrocketed all three Superstars to the top of WWE.

Matt & Jeff would split in 2002 as both pursued singles success, but in 2007, The Hardys reunited to capture the World Tag Team Titles a sixth time, once again proving that they were still the best at plying the tandem trade. And although they may not be a combined in-ring force right now, the brothers achieved tag team immortality long ago by pairing their blood, sweat and tears to their childhood dreams of performing for a worldwide audience inside a WWE ring.

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