Family & friends remember Dusty Rhodes
Tributes to the late Dusty Rhodes have flooded social media following the news of the WWE Hall of Famer’s passing at age 69 last week. That remembrance and celebration of “The American Dream” continued Wednesday at a memorial service in Tampa, Fla.
My eulogy from today's service for "The American Dream" Dusty Rhodes 1945-2015 pic.twitter.com/0osNPtq0cs
— Stardust (@StardustWWE) June 18, 2015
My eulogy for my father, the American Dream, Dusty Rhodes. pic.twitter.com/TfHGNBhKPJ
— GOLDUST (@Goldust) June 18, 2015
"You can't be a beacon if your light don't shine" pic.twitter.com/BeK4VdqT4w
— Joey, from Wrestling (@WWEMercury) June 17, 2015
With @WWEFandango as we celebrate the life of #DustyRhodes in Tampa today pic.twitter.com/9VTYA4F9Xf
— Diamond Dallas Page (@RealDDP) June 18, 2015
Thinking of Dusty today https://t.co/JKiQ2a40EI
— Bret Hart (@BretHart) June 17, 2015
Thank you #DustyRhodes for preparing me for the future.. Forever will be my JeFe!...miss you my boss!.. pic.twitter.com/Re5s8j1fBN
— KALISTO (@KalistoWWE) June 17, 2015
Sending positive thoughts and vibes to the Rhodes family today and everyone paying their respects at Dream's funeral.
— Kyle Edwards (@KyleEdwardsWWE) June 17, 2015
I have never, ever seen this many people at a funeral service. Dusty touched so many lives with his charisma, wisdom and friendship.
— Joey Styles (@JoeyStyles) June 17, 2015
I had my friends at @BlueDogCartoons make this cartoon of #DustyRhodes Today is gonna be a TOUGH day! DDP pic.twitter.com/8Bmle72sYt
— Diamond Dallas Page (@RealDDP) June 17, 2015
When my brother passed away about two years ago I wanted to say a few words during his service. The… https://t.co/VwVb50fcTe
— Charlotte (@MsCharlotteWWE) June 17, 2015
It is 90 today in Tampa Bay. A sunny but sad day as I head to say bye to a dear friend and mentor #PeoplePower @WWE #DustyRhodes
— John Laurinaitis (@JohnLaurinaitis) June 17, 2015
Today is the day we pay our respects to "The American Dream" Dusty Rhodes! It's going to be a rough one... An emotional roller coaster
— Jason Jordan (@JasonJordanJJ) June 17, 2015
A sad day for WWE. One of the most innovative, charismatic Superstars of all time, Dusty Rhodes, passed away. We loved him. #ThankYouDream
— Vince McMahon (@VinceMcMahon) June 11, 2015
Saddened to hear the passing of Dusty Rhodes. Legend, teacher, mentor, friend...Love you Dream #BookinAintEasyKid pic.twitter.com/ZxlGSgKB8J
— Triple H (@TripleH) June 11, 2015
#RIPDustyRhodes We never got to shoot our angle together! Thank you for everything, I Love You. #HallofFamer #Legend pic.twitter.com/rN2YeVNv5b
— Stephanie McMahon (@StephMcMahon) June 11, 2015
My mentor @WWEDustyRhodes. Much love to your family and more respect than can ever be measured. Love you Dream. pic.twitter.com/bXgqs3qqca
— Ric Flair® (@RicFlairNatrBoy) June 11, 2015
Words can not express the loss of Dusty Rhodes. There will never b another 1 like him. He lived a great life, and made my life better!!!
— Michael PS Hayes (@MichaelPSHayes1) June 11, 2015
#RIPDustyRhodes THE most inspirational symbol in our industry. #SonOfAPlumber #AmericanDream #WWELegend
— John Cena (@JohnCena) June 11, 2015
I just heard that Dusty Rhodes has passed away...I'm stunned & heartbroken! I'm so sorry...prayers to Dustin, Cody & the rest of the family.
— Shawn Michaels (@ShawnMichaels) June 11, 2015
One of my all time heroes and one the all time greats has passed away. American Dream #DustyRhodes I will never forget you. #Legend
— Steve Austin (@steveaustinBSR) June 11, 2015
Extremely saddened to hear of the passing of my friend Dusty Rhodes today. There will never,ever be another one like The Dream!! RIP...
— Howard Finkel (@howardfinkel) June 11, 2015
I am so so very sorry to have to report this. http://t.co/BWZeiq0lXi My sincerest condolences to @Goldust and @StardustWWE #RIPDustyRhodes
— Joey Styles (@JoeyStyles) June 11, 2015
I just tweeted links to over 20 international news,sports & entertainment websites covering the passing of Dusty Rhodes. Dream was a legend.
— Joey Styles (@JoeyStyles) June 11, 2015
The world is a lot less bright today #RIPDream
— Adam (Edge) Copeland (@EdgeRatedR) June 11, 2015
It's hard to say "GOOD BYE". I love you Dusty!
— Vickie Guerrero (@VickieGuerrero) June 11, 2015
Wow…. “There ain't no way I'm giving Brent Dibiase a standing ovation Dream!' “Just do it kid...” #RIPDustyRhodes https://t.co/vb3qtLHOME
— Chris Jericho (@IAmJericho) June 11, 2015
Just got out of the studio and found out about Dusty Rhodes. Incredibly sad. My sincerest condolences to his family.
— Daniel Bryan (@WWEDanielBryan) June 11, 2015
Dusty,thanks for signing for my first U.S. work visa,mentoring,teaching and laughing with me for 22 years.Really going to miss you.x
— William Regal (@RealKingRegal) June 11, 2015
I am absolutely devastated to hear about the passing of my long time friend Dusty Rhodes. One of the best ever. GO pic.twitter.com/e0BolBDNZj
— Gene Okerlund (@TheGeneOkerlund) June 11, 2015
Sad to hear about Dusty Rhodes, there's only one American Dream. Love you Dusty, thanks for all the laughs and stories. #lifewellLived #RIP
— John Layfield (@JCLayfield) June 11, 2015
I'm in complete shock hearing about Dusty Rhodes. A hero of mine growing up & a bigger hero after we became friends. Thoughts & prayers RIP
— Christian (@Christian4Peeps) June 11, 2015
My heart goes out the the Runnels family, Dusty Rhodes was one of the all-time greats. He was a friend, a teacher and a good man.
— Eric Bischoff (@EBischoff) June 11, 2015
My children just called with the news that @WWEDustyRhodes had passed away. I'm crushed. He was a one-of-a-kind talent with an amazing mind.
— Mick Foley (@realmickfoley) June 11, 2015
I was so honored to write Dusty Rhodes' theme song "Common Man" - the American Dream Dusty Rhodes will live on forever - love ya Dream
— Real Jimmy Hart (@RealJimmyHart) June 11, 2015
Im saddened to hear one of my childhood heroes passed away today. Dusty Rhodes u will be missed #RIPAmericanDream
— The Miz (@mikethemiz) June 11, 2015
My hero,the man that made me believe, the reason I took my name @WWEDustyRhodes I love you & your family.
— Tommy Dreamer (@THETOMMYDREAMER) June 11, 2015
Absolutely slayed by the passing of Dusty Rhodes... Mentor. Friend. Hero... Where to start? Thoughts with his boys & family. #RIPDream
— Sheamus (@WWESheamus) June 11, 2015
I was ever so fortunate to be a friend to this man, to learn from him as a performer and as a human being. #RIPDusty pic.twitter.com/GH0e1isGxw
— Seth Rollins (@WWERollins) June 11, 2015
RIP The American Dream, the most TRUE wrestler of us all. God Bless. Dusty. Thoughts & Prayers to his Family
— Hacksaw Jim Duggan (@OfficialHacksaw) June 11, 2015
RIP Dusty Rhodes. One of the best ever in so many ways.
— Kane (@KaneWWE) June 11, 2015
The definition of "IT". Dusty Rhodes was special inside the ring and even more amazing outside, We will miss you Dream. #AmericanDream
— Jack Swagger (@RealJackSwagger) June 11, 2015
So saddened by the passing of the #AmericanDream @WWEDustyRhodes - He was an amazing person with an amazing mind! He made #NXT so great!
— WWE Murphy (@WWE_Murphy) June 11, 2015
Good teachers know how to bring out the best in their students. #DustyRhodes brought out the best in so many ... http://t.co/gFznRaakDj
— Matt Bloom (@WWEJasonAlbert) June 11, 2015
'Dream' helped me find my voice in wrestling and it's been my biggest asset ever since. My thoughts go out to his family. #RIPDustyRhodes
— King Barrett (@WadeBarrett) June 11, 2015
Wow,such sad news today. Dusty Rhodes passed away...RIP Dream...
— Marcus Louis (@wwemarcuslouis) June 11, 2015
"I've wined and dined with kings and queens... And I've slept in alleys and ate pork and beans!" pic.twitter.com/VKnSXU2Qpl
— Charlotte (@MsCharlotteWWE) June 11, 2015
Sometimes you don't know what you have till its gone. Sad day for wrestling and the Rhodes family. Thoughts and prayers are with them. @WWE
— Curtis Axel (@RealCurtisAxel) June 11, 2015
I'm speechless hearing about the passing of @WWEDustyRhodes he has been an amazing mentor to me, and was an unbelievable person to be around
— Baron Corbin (@BaronCorbinWWE) June 11, 2015
@WWEDustyRhodes Im going to miss u so much. My mentor & my biggest advocate... Words can't express how I feel. Just Thank you.
— Enzo Amore (@WWEAaLLday21) June 11, 2015
My thoughts and prayers go out to the Runnels family RIP #DustyRhodes #AmericanDream
— Eva Marie (@natalieevamarie) June 11, 2015
I'm speechless. RIP to a mentor, legend, & hero. There will never be another like you. #AmericanDream #DustyRhodes pic.twitter.com/H7DRgUPyUX
— Scott Dawson (@ScottDawsonWWE) June 11, 2015
There are no words that can express the sadness in our hearts. RIP Dusty Rhodes…You will be missed, Dream…We love you pic.twitter.com/45dPxrS3JB
— Kevin Owens (@FightOwensFight) June 11, 2015
I'm glad I had the opportunity to learn from a great like Dusty #RIP #ThankYouDream
— Dread Pirate Sawyer (@SFulton_WWE) June 11, 2015
Very saddening 2hear of the Passing of @WWE LEGEND #DustyRhodes Who Helped So many Including myself 2Live A "Dream" God Bless the Family.
— Titus O'Neil (@TitusONeilWWE) June 11, 2015
Can't say enough about everything Dusty Rhodes did for me.There will never b another one like him.Absolute 1 of a kind legend #ThankYouDream
— Becky Lynch (@BeckyLynchWWE) June 11, 2015
I'll forever be in debt for everything you taught me. Thank you Dream. RIP Dusty Rhodes.
— NEVILLE (@WWENeville) June 11, 2015
"Don't waste your time when the red light is on" "Never let the truth get in the way of a good story" good bye, Dream pic.twitter.com/gXkAJIVQpV
— Simon Gotch (@GotchStyleWWE) June 11, 2015
Absolutely shocked & saddened to hear of The Dream, Dusty Rhodes', passing! My hero growing up, my hero ... http://t.co/O5Ogwprdxr
— Michelle McCool (@McCoolMichelleL) June 11, 2015
Tonight... #NXTPittsburgh is for the #AmericanDream #RIPDustyRhodes
— Aiden English (@WWEDramaKing) June 11, 2015
Thank you @WWEDustyRhodes for everything you taught me. Thank you for believing in me & inspiring me. You will be missed so much. #RIPDream
— LANA (@LanaWWE) June 11, 2015
I'm speechless. Thank you @WWEDustyRhodes for everything. #RIP #AmericanDream
— Hideo Itami / 伊丹英雄 (@HideoItami) June 11, 2015
I'm devastated. @WWEDustyRhodes was a great teacher, mentor, friend & so kind to me and my family. Our thoughts are with the Runnels family.
— David Otunga (@DavidOtunga) June 11, 2015
Saddened at the loss of Dusty. An innovator, teacher, and legend. My thoughts are with his family.
— Renee Young (@ReneeYoungWWE) June 11, 2015
Can't believe you're gone dusty. You were a mentor and an inspiration to me and many. Always believed in the underdog, my hero. RIP
— PAIGE (@RealPaigeWWE) June 11, 2015
The news of #DustyRhodes I'm still in shock. My love goes out to Him and his family. He truly is one of the GREATEST pic.twitter.com/Gx9niR8xuY
— Tamina Snuka (@TaminaSnuka) June 11, 2015
So sorry to hear about the passing of Dusty Rhodes. One of the all time greats! The American Dream. pic.twitter.com/bu1u0dzdJF
— Scott Stanford (@scottstanford1) June 11, 2015
Watched him many a Saturday morning when I was a kid. Rest in peace and thank you #DustyRhodes pic.twitter.com/DXIDpK0Hdg
— Dale Earnhardt Jr. (@DaleJr) June 11, 2015
Every person I've ever met connected with @WWE spoke with reverence about Dusty Rhodes. It's a sad day. Thoughts to his whole family. RIP.
— Stephen Amell (@amellywood) June 11, 2015
Wow just found out about the passing of one of the all time greats dusty Rhodes. So good to me. One last time "let me tell you something"
— Jonathan Coachman (@TheCoachESPN) June 11, 2015
RIP The American Dream Dusty Rhodes. A great performer, and creative force. #WWE
— Robert Flores (@RoFloESPN) June 11, 2015
Dusty Rhodes had the best smile in the business. One of the all time greats in and out of the ring. Was always great to me. RIP
— Todd Grisham (@GrishamESPN) June 11, 2015
I love Dusty Rhodes. #RIP
— Andy Richter (@AndyRichter) June 11, 2015
It was @WWEDustyRhodes that believed in underdogs like me and @RealPaigeWWE from the beginning. He will be so truly missed.
— Amy Dumas (@AmyDumas) June 11, 2015
I was lucky enough to once sit in on "promo class". Learned more in that hour from him than I've ever learned about talking. #RIPDustyRhodes
— Kyle Edwards (@KyleEdwardsWWE) June 11, 2015
In a world of athletes performing 5 days a week sometimes twice a day, yr after yr #TheAmericanDream, @WWEDustyRhodes stood tall! @WWE #RIP
— Dennis Haskins (@mrbelding) June 11, 2015
See you at the next 'town' Dream! #RIPDustyRhodes pic.twitter.com/euGPGXbl6X
— Finn Bálor (@wwebalor) June 11, 2015
Thank you, @WWEDustyRhodes. For all you did for this industry. For all you did for so many. And, selfishly, for all you did for me.
— Paul Heyman (@HeymanHustle) June 12, 2015
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