Bad Superstar & Diva Dates

Bad Superstar & Diva Dates

Valentine’s Day has arrived—and romance is in the air. Although everyone’s favorite amorous holiday is synonymous with roses, heartfelt expressions of affection and candlelit dinners, not every romantic rendezvous goes according to plan—even for WWE’s Superstars and Divas. spoke with everyone from Eva Marie to Zeb Colter to get the lowdown on their bad dating experiences.

So, remember, even if you’re spending Feb. 14 alone…it could always be worse.

Renee Young

Bad Superstar & Diva Dates

“My bad date was with this gentleman I didn’t know very well. It was fine for the most part, regular and casual. We went to a restaurant, and it wasn’t very eventful. The kicker was when we went to pay he wanted to split the bill, which was not a good move. Someone has to commit and pick up the bill. You never, split the tab.

“But then, he took the change off the table, which was a tip for the waitress, because he needed change for the subway! It was absolutely horrifying and NOT cool. Leave the money and go break change somewhere else if you need to. But to take someone’s tip money so that you can take the subway home? It was just not a cool move. And that was the end of that.”

Zeb Colter

Bad Superstar & Diva Dates

“I never went out on a date.” 

The Miz

Bad Superstar & Diva Dates

“My worst dating experience is actually my best dating experience, because a horrific event ended up as an amazing, amazing time.

“I was home from college for Thanksgiving break, and I had just met this girl. She texted me and said, ‘My parents aren’t home. Why don’t you come over and we can watch a movie?’ ‘Sure, be right over!’ I ate a huge meal, got myself ready, got over there and we started watching the movie. All of a sudden, my stomach started cramping. We’re cuddling and canoodling, and I’m bubbling. I asked to use the restroom, and, by this time, I’m getting a cold sweat. I don’t know what’s wrong with me, but something’s definitely happening.

“I got sick—all over the bathroom walls, the rug, the carpet. There’s no possible way to clean it up or cover it up. I did what any noble man would do, and I told her I had an accident in her bathroom. She said, no problem, but walked in and said, ‘Oh … my … God!’  But she was amazing. She cleaned it up and took care of me the entire night. I puked nine times! I had food poisoning and she was absolutely incredible. And we ended up dating for a year after that.”

Bad News Barrett

Bad Superstar & Diva Dates

“A girl took me to a very expensive restaurant that was on the Pacific Ocean while the sun was setting. It was supposed to be romantic, but you have no idea how annoying it is trying to eat when the sun is in your eyes.”

Zack Ryder

Bad Superstar & Diva Dates

“I’m a dating expert. Not an expert at all dating or relationships, in general, but I’m a great first-dater. One first date, though, did not go so well.

“In the summer of 2009, I took a girl to a concert at Jones Beach Theater on Long Island. I bought pretty expensive tickets, and I thought it was a pretty impressive first date—bringing a girl to a concert, with good seats, too. After the show, I asked her where she wanted to go. She was like, ‘I’m going home.’ Are you serious, bro?

“Even though she was a 10 out of 10, I didn’t talk to her for years. We were Facebook friends, but I never saw her until years later, this past December. We had a show at Madison Square Garden, and she was in one of the luxury suites. She messaged me on Facebook, so, after the show, I met up with her. I made sure my sweater wasn’t zippered and I was flexing my abs the whole time. She gave me her number and said if I was ever in Manhattan, to call her. And I never called her. That’s what happens. Don’t reject Zack Ryder. What goes around comes around. You know who says that? Justin Timberlake. JT!”

Eva Marie

Bad Superstar & Diva Dates

“You’re not going to believe this, because it sounds like a movie, but I legit was hit on by someone riding a bike. Not a Harley Davidson bike. A pedals, bicycle, bike. So, at least he was eco-friendly, but…sorry, sweetheart, I’m definitely not going to dinner with you on a bicycle.”

Kofi Kingston

Bad Superstar & Diva Dates

“When my now-wife and I were in college together and first courting, I was trying to impress her. I would invite her over to my dorm room to watch a movie or the TV show, ‘Blind Date.’ But she would bring her roommate! And I’m like, ‘What’s going on?’ This was not a one-time thing, either. I’d invite her out to dinner, and she would bring the roommate! So not only do I pay for her meal, but I also pay for her roommate’s meal, because I’m trying to do the right thing and be a gentleman. She almost bankrupted me. But eventually she fell victim to my wit and charm, and now she’s my wife. But she was hard to get!”


Bad Superstar & Diva Dates

“This is what you spend your time on? You know, I have very serious duties and responsibilities ensuring that WWE runs smoothly. And you’re going to ask me about my worst dating experience? Let me tell you something, at least I have some dating experiences!”

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