WWE becomes WCW: photos
Check out photos of when WCW took over WWE programming after the organization was purchased in 2001.

WCW Tag Team Champions The Natural Born Thrillers - Sean O'Haire & Chuck Palumbo - made their first WWE appearances on SmackDown during a World Tag Team Championship Match between The Hardy Boyz and The Dudley Boyz at Madison Square Garden.
On the July 2, 2001, edition of Raw, "Stone Cold" Steve Austin, Kurt Angle and Mr. McMahon attempted to get along.
Shane McMahon informed his father that WCW would be taking over the main event that evening.
In the main event, Booker T defended the WCW Championship.
Former five-time WCW Tag Team Champion Buff Bagwell was the challenger.
“I knew that Buff wasn’t prepared for that stage,” Booker T said. “But I still had a job to do and that was to represent WCW.”