United Kingdom-exclusive pay-per-views: photos
On occasion, WWE has flown across the pond to present pay-per-views, most notably with 1992’s SummerSlam at Wembley Stadium. But there have also been many events that audiences outside the United Kingdom have not had the privilege to see. Check out these photos of pay-per-views that American audiences missed.

The main event of Capital Carnage 1998 was a Fatal 4-Way Match featuring "Stone Cold" Steve Austin, Mankind, Kane and The Undertaker.
Rugby and action movie star Vinnie Jones helped WWE bring Capital Carnage to London.
The Headbangers took on The Legion of Doom's Animal & Droz at Capital Carnage.
In a matchup of two bizarre Superstars at Capital Carnage, Gangrel defeated Al Snow.
Triple H, originally scheduled to face The Rock for the WWE Championship at Capital Carnage, took on Jeff Jarrett instead.
The Game's pal, X-Pac, faced off with The Great One instead.