The innovators behind sports-entertainment’s best maneuvers: photos
Meet the innovators behind some of sports-entertainment's best maneuvers.

Japan’s Jushin “Thunder” Liger was the daredevil genius behind the Shooting Star Press.
Former WWE Champion Buddy Rogers innovated the often imitated Figure-Four Leglock.
The punishing Texas Cloverleaf was created by WWE Hall of Famer Dory Funk, Jr.
Johnny Ace, best known to WWE fans as John Laurinaitis, invented the Ace Crusher — best known to fans today as the RKO.
Wrestling cornerstone Lou Thesz came up with the powerbomb, the STF and the Thesz Press.
Japanese grappler Riki Choshu was the first to perform the Sharpshooter, or as he called it the “Sasori-Gatame.”
Mando Guerrero, brother of Eddie Guerrero, came up with the breathtaking moonsault.
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