Zack Ryder unboxes Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles WWE Ninja Superstars action figures

Zack Ryder shaves off his beard while recuperating from knee surgery

Zack Ryder shaves off his beard while recuperating from knee surgery

Just weeks after going under the knife to repair an in-ring knee injury, Zack Ryder decided to go under the razor to shave off his now-signature (and insanely thick) beard.

“Zack Daddy” took his Instagram followers through the face-shearing process late Wednesday night, revealing a finished product that gave us some serious Major Brothers flashbacks.

But don’t worry: Your Hype Bros WWEmoji stickers aren’t out of date. Long Island Iced-Z has no intention of keeping the clean-shaven look, remarking that “it’ll grow back in a week.”


Losing my mind......and my beard (for'll grow back in a week)

A photo posted by ZACK RYDER (@zryder85) on


For the latest updates from Ryder on his road to recovery, follow him on Instagram and Twitter.

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