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R-Truth defends 24/7 Championship at SDCC

R-Truth defends 24/7 Championship at SDCC

While appearing as a special guest on “IGN LIVE at SDCC 2019,” 24/7 Champion R-Truth found himself in sudden danger of losing his coveted title. As he discussed his experience at San Diego Comic-Con and the beautiful weather, The Hurricane appeared out of nowhere to confront R-Truth.


However, Truth didn’t seem to recognize the former WWE European Champion — and thought WWE official John Cone was instead a cosplaying fan — and quickly found himself rolled up for a pinfall as he attempted to take a photo with The Hurricane and Cone.

Fortunately, Truth kicked out and The Hurricane left the scene with a potentially injured pinkie. Thinking the coast was clear, the 24/7 Champion tried to finish the interview when Drake Maverick seized his opportunity and tried to reclaim the prized title.

Once again, R-Truth kicked out, and rather than hang around this time, quickly made his way far from the IGN livestream, leaving Maverick irate and without the title or a consummated marriage before he resumed his chase.

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