Jinder Mahal took to social media late Tuesday night with a simple but direct message for his opponent at WWE Live’s Supershow in New Delhi on Saturday, 9 December:
“Triple H … you will bow down.”
Very strong words from someone who’s about to face The King of Kings, a 14-time World Champion whose status in WWE these days holds more than a passing interest in determining what’s best for business. Yet, The Modern Day Maharaja remains steadfast in the belief that on Indian home soil, he cannot be beaten, as he expressed on Twitter to Triple H:
Mahal has good reason to like his chances on 9 December. To say it has been a banner year for the Superstar would be an understatement – in addition to shocking the world and beating Randy Orton for the WWE Championship last May, he successfully fended off The Viper’s attempts to reclaim the title in a Punjabi Prison Match. After turning away Baron Corbin’s bid to cash in his Money in the Bank contract, The Modern Day Maharaja defeated Shinsuke Nakamura at SummerSlam and WWE Hell in a Cell. Though he lost the WWE Title to AJ Styles earlier this month, it may well be true that Jinder Mahal is as “unstoppable” on home soil as he claims to be in his post. And, judging from the replies of some fans, he’s not alone in thinking that.
Will Jinder Mahal be on the winning end of history when he faces Triple H in India? Find out when WWE Live Supershow emanates from Indira Gandhi Indoor Stadium on Saturday, 9 December.