
WWE Payback

Match Results

Time and location

Sunday, Jun 1 | 8 PMET/5 PMPT

Kofi Kingston vs. Bo Dallas ended in a No Contest after Kane attacked The Wildcat

CHICAGO — Kofi Kingston hoped to teach “The Inspirational” Bo Dallas a lesson in an impromptu contest at WWE Payback. Unfortunately, The Wildcat instead found himself receiving encouragement from the new Superstar – not to mention attention from WWE medical personnel – after a vicious assault at the hands of The Demon Kane.

The unexpected Kingston vs. Dallas match was announced during the WWE Payback Kickoff, exclusively on WWE Network, during which Kingston was part of the all-star panel. Moments after the panel discussed Tweets Kofi had sent earlier in the day – ones that were critical of Stephanie McMahon and The Authority’s treatment of WWE World Heavyweight Champion Daniel Bryan – WWE Hall of Famer Booker T received breaking news that Kofi would battle Dallas in the evening’s pay-per-view.

Check out photos to see what Kane did to Kofi!

Ever a game competitor, Kofi was up for the match and looked to hand the 3-0 Dallas his first loss in WWE. The Demon Kane, however, crashed the party seconds after the bell rang. While Dallas quickly exited the ring, Kofi went on the attack, but quickly found himself overwhelmed and on the receiving end of both a chokeslam and a Tombstone Piledriver.

It is unclear if Kane had acted alone or was under orders of The Authority. However, it does make sense if the unprovoked attack was, in fact, triggered by Kingston’s controversial Tweets and statements during the Kickoff.

Bo Dallas, meanwhile, may not have picked up his first victory at a WWE pay-per-view, but he did make a statement at WWE Payback, nonetheless. Following Kane’s attack on Kofi, Dallas took the downed former United States, Intercontinental and WWE Tag Team Champion’s hand, and comforted him that he’ll be back, better than ever, as long as he – and every member of the WWE Universe – Bo-Lieves.