
WWE Payback

Match Results

Time and location

Sunday, Jun 1 | 8 PMET/5 PMPT

Intercontinental Champion Bad News Barrett def. Rob Van Dam


CHICAGO – WWE Universe, we’re afraid we’ve got some bad news. Intercontinental Champion Bad News Barrett conquered Rob Van Dam at WWE Payback with the Bad News Bull Hammer Elbow.

Match photos | Exclusive: Barrett celebrates a successful title defense

Prior to the match, Mr. Barrett mocked the members of the WWE Universe who supported his Extreme opponent, informing the fans that not only would RVD not get payback after Barrett was through with him, he would also not be getting any more paychecks. He promised to put the high-flyer down  like Old Yeller.

Once the hard-hitting contest took center stage, however, it quickly became apparent that would be easier said than done – as both Superstars fought tooth and nail from the start with the illustrious championship on the line.

In the height of the absolutely brutal encounter that stretched both inside and outside the ring and all points in between as  both warriors unleashed  every weaponin  their impressive arsenals. After RVD missed the Five Star Frog Splash, Barrett missed RVD and accidently smashed his arm into the steel ring post.

In spite of that setback, though, the tough titleholder managed to get his knees up to counter his No. 1 contender’s split legged Moonsault attempt – paving the way for him to finish  RVD with the devastating Bad News Bull Hammer.