The Velveteen Dream and EC3 are certainly legends in their own individual minds — it’s what made them such ideal teammates before Dream bailed on the match to kick off their rivalry, and it’s what makes them such entertaining personalities. But it can never be said they don’t back up their talk. Their clash at TakeOver: Brooklyn IV wasn’t just appropriately bitter given their history, but it was a larger-than-life slugfest full of personal slights and out-there mind games that ultimately ended exactly as Velveteen likes to promise: "Dream over."
The five-tool prodigy set up his victory in the most brutal fashion possible, by spiking a surging EC3 onto the ramp with his twisting DDT, creating a weak spot that Velveteen didn’t hesitate to exploit. The only mistake Dream made was pausing to douse The Top One Percent with a bottle of water — that’ll teach him to toss Dream into the deep end — briefly opening the door for an EC3 comeback. But Dream made good on his earlier groundwork, hitting a Dream Valley Driver on the apron to stop EC3 cold, and then connecting with a Purple Rainmaker on the strongman’s prone torso to put him away.