Finn Bálor def. Damian Priest

The Prince and The Archer of Infamy keep one-upping each other in a seesaw battle. Catch WWE action on WWE Network, FOX, USA Network, Sony India and more.

Damian Priest is seeking to live forever, but Finn Bálor showed the man that viciously attacked him in the locker room several weeks ago that infamy would not come at The Prince’s expense.

Bálor attacked Priest before the bell, sending Priest to the floor with a surprise dropkick. However, The Archer of Infamy rebounded by using his power to slow down Bálor before The Prince could gain any steam. Priest did everything he could to pummel Bálor into submission, even hurling The Prince into the ring apron back-first with a crucifix powerbomb. 

Priest tried to replicate that success later in the bout, but this time from the ring apron onto the steel ring steps. Bálor slipped out of Priest’s clutches and kicked him off the apron, sending The Archer of Infamy crashing into the unforgiving steel himself. Bálor connected with a double stomp to the back and then the Coup de Grace to earn the victory and pick up his 11th TakeOver win – the most in NXT history. 

Once again, Bálor proved that if you’re going to come after The Prince, you best not miss. That begs the question: Who will step up to the plate next?