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Wednesday, Oct 21 | 8/7 PMC

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WWE NXT results: Oct. 21, 2020

Kushida def. Tommaso Ciampa and Velveteen Dream in a Triple Threat Match

Hostilities between these three Superstars lead to a can’t-miss Triple Threat Match on NXT. Catch WWE action on WWE Network, FOX, USA Network, Sony India and more.

Tommaso Ciampa wasted no time targeting Velveteen Dream's cast-covered left arm in a wild bout that was breathtakingly fast-paced from the start. Kushida also targeted Dream's injured limb, forcing him to tap out unofficially on the outside of the ring with an armbar. Dream's cast led to Kushida's victory, as he practically knocked The Blackheart out with a strike to head before Kushida pinned Ciampa with a German suplex.

Ember Moon def. Jessi Kamea

Ember Moon isn’t able to celebrate her return to singles competition for long before being assaulted by Dakota Kai. Catch WWE action on WWE Network, FOX, USA Network, Sony India and more.

Ember Moon continued to look as good as ever, defeating Jessi Kamea with a unique deathlock-chinlock combination in her first singles match in more than a year. But afterward, Moon felt the wrath of Dakota Kai, who vowed that Moon wouldn't use her as a stepping stone. 

Bronson Reed def. Austin Theory (twice)

“All Day” is livid after losing to The Aus-zilla, so he demands an immediate rematch. Catch WWE action on WWE Network, FOX, USA Network, Sony India and more.

The Aus-Zilla had to beat "All Day" not once, but twice just to shut him up. First, Bronson Reed won with a top-rope Tsunami, though that only drew derision from Austin Theory, who demanded a rematch. But Reed made even quicker work of him the second time around, pinning him after a massive Samoan drop. 

Legado del Fantasma def. Isaiah "Swerve" Scott, Jake Atlas & Ashante "Thee" Adonis

“Swerve” joins forces with new allies in his latest battle with Santos Escobar and company. Catch WWE action on WWE Network, FOX, USA Network, Sony India and more.

This Six-Man Tag Team battle broke down in a hurry — and so did Legado del Fantasma's initial strategy to surround their foes in the ring. Jake Atlas scored a massive blow against Santos Escobar, spiking him with a cartwheel DDT on the outside, but that left Ashante "Thee" Adonis all alone in the ring for a devastating step-up kick-legsweep combination by Joaquin Wilde and Raul Mendoza. 

Ever-Rise def. Killian Dain & Drake Maverick via disqualification

Drake & Dain look for payback after Drake was targeted by Ever-Rise last week. Catch WWE action on WWE Network, FOX, USA Network, Sony India and more.

Killian Dain may still not be the biggest fan of Drake Maverick's choice of theme music, but Drake seems to be slowly winning over The Beast of Belfast. Chase Parker locked Dain in a single-leg crab while Matt Martel made Drake watch from ringside, but Maverick eventually broke free and wielded a chair against both opponents. Though it cost he and Dain the match, Dain was impressed by Drake's fire. 

Kacy Catanzaro def. Xia Li

Xia Li faces what she describes as a “must-win” situation against Kacy Catanzaro. Catch WWE action on WWE Network, FOX, USA Network, Sony India and more.

Xia Li once again came up short in a match she called a "must win," succumbing to a crafty pinning combination by Kacy Catanzaro. Li savagely attacked her opponent afterward, but Raquel González arrived moments later to dismantle both as well as Kayden Carter, sending a message to Rhea Ripley before their match at NXT Halloween Havoc.

Timothy Thatcher def. Anthony Greene

Timothy Thatcher becomes incensed after his latest Thatch-As-Thatch-Can session backfires. Catch WWE action on WWE Network, FOX, USA Network, Sony India and more.

What started as a live Thatch-As-Thatch-Can demonstration turned into an impromptu match, but it ended in the way Timothy Thatcher prefers: with ruthless brutality. Thatcher forced Greene to tap out after taking advantage with a cheap strike before the bell sounded, once again making an example of a "student."

Danny Burch & Oney Lorcan def. Breezango to become the new NXT Tag Team Champions

The Undisputed ERA’s championship opportunity is upended after chaotic events unfold. Catch WWE action on WWE Network, FOX, USA Network, Sony India and more.

Pat McAfee shockingly appeared to be in cahoots with Danny Burch & Oney Lorcan, perfectly executing a scheme that played out over the course of the night. First, Bobby Fish was found attacked backstage, then Roderick Strong, rendering Undisputed ERA unable to compete against Breezango as originally scheduled.

Tyler Breeze & Fandango find themselves defending against unexpected challengers after Undisputed ERA was rendered unable to compete. Catch WWE action on WWE Network, FOX, USA Network, Sony India and more.

A masked man pushed Fandango off the top rope while Burch hit Breeze with a low blow behind the official's back, leaving him vulnerable for an assisted elevated DDT to crown The Brit-Am Brawlers as new champions.

Afterward, McAfee revealed himself as the masked man, pulling back the curtain on the trio's ploy.  

Kushida def. Tommaso Ciampa and Velveteen Dream in a Triple Threat Match

Hostilities between these three Superstars lead to a can’t-miss Triple Threat Match on NXT. Catch WWE action on WWE Network, FOX, USA Network, Sony India and more.

Tommaso Ciampa wasted no time targeting Velveteen Dream's cast-covered left arm in a wild bout that was breathtakingly fast-paced from the start. Kushida also targeted Dream's injured limb, forcing him to tap out unofficially on the outside of ...

Ember Moon isn’t able to celebrate her return to singles competition for long before being assaulted by Dakota Kai. Catch WWE action on WWE Network, FOX, USA Network, Sony India and more.

“All Day” is livid after losing to The Aus-zilla, so he demands an immediate rematch. Catch WWE action on WWE Network, FOX, USA Network, Sony India and more.

“Swerve” joins forces with new allies in his latest battle with Santos Escobar and company. Catch WWE action on WWE Network, FOX, USA Network, Sony India and more.

Drake & Dain look for payback after Drake was targeted by Ever-Rise last week. Catch WWE action on WWE Network, FOX, USA Network, Sony India and more.

Xia Li faces what she describes as a “must-win” situation against Kacy Catanzaro. Catch WWE action on WWE Network, FOX, USA Network, Sony India and more.

Timothy Thatcher becomes incensed after his latest Thatch-As-Thatch-Can session backfires. Catch WWE action on WWE Network, FOX, USA Network, Sony India and more.

The Undisputed ERA’s championship opportunity is upended after chaotic events unfold. Catch WWE action on WWE Network, FOX, USA Network, Sony India and more.

Pat McAfee shockingly appeared to be in cahoots with Danny Burch & Oney Lorcan, perfectly executing a scheme that played out over the course of the night. First, Bobby Fish was found attacked backstage, then Roderick Strong, rendering Undisputed ERA unable to compete against Breezango as originally scheduled.

Tyler Breeze & Fandango find themselves defending against unexpected challengers after Undisputed ERA was rendered unable to compete. Catch WWE action on WWE Network, FOX, USA Network, Sony India and more.

A masked man pushed Fandango off the top rope while Burch hit Breeze with a low blow behind the official's back, leaving him vulnerable for an assisted elevated DDT to crown The Brit-Am Brawlers as new champions.

Afterward, McAfee revealed himself as the masked man, pulling back the curtain on the trio's ploy.  

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