Despite a double-tough effort by The Street Profits, Bobby Fish & Kyle O’Reilly triumphed over Angelo Dawkins & Montez Ford to regain the NXT Tag Team Titles, moving The Undisputed ERA ever closer to fulfilling their all-gold prophecy.
Desperate to hold on to the title they struggled for years to capture, Dawkins & Ford fought their challengers as though their lives depended on it. The Sultans of Swag bravely gritted through the pain as Fish & O’Reilly systematically attacked the Profits’ legs with high-torque leg whips, vicious kicks and airtight submission holds. Aching legs aside, Dawkins & Ford were able to string together impactful double-team moves.
As the intensity heightened, Dawkins drilled O’Reilly with a spear and attempted to do the same to Fish, only to be stopped in his tracks by a devastating knee strike. Ford, who was the legal man, then tried to Frog Splash O’Reilly but came up empty. With Dawkins still reeling from the taste of Fish’s kneecap, The Undisputed ERA toppled King Tez with a high-low combination for the three-count, ushering in the faction’s record-breaking third reign as NXT Tag Team Champions.