#NXTAwardFutureStar nominee Lio Rush tried mightily to escape the reach of Lars Sullivan and frustrate the leviathan with his quick-hitting offense. It worked, too … at first.
Despite the sound strategy, The Man of the Hour’s luck ran out when NXT’s one-man wrecking ball finally got hold of Rush and began tossing him around like a ragdoll. Sullivan thrashed Rush with an avalanche and crossface strikes before finishing him with the Freak Accident for the decisive win.
Afterward, Sullivan took the microphone and made clear his desire to destroy Killian Dain, the SAnitY big man who put Sullivan through a table during Dec. 27’s wild Fatal 4-Way No. 1 Contender’s Match. Perhaps seeking to put an exclamation point on his dominant performance and send warning to The Beast of Belfast, Sullivan then returned his focus to Rush, demolishing the young Superstar with an organ-jarring Freak Accident off the second rope for good measure.