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INDIANAPOLIS — Alicia Fox tapped into her feral side to put Nia Jax on her heels, but it was a tale of brawn over potentially cross-wired brains on the WWE Clash of Champions Kickoff when Jax powered her way to a win over the former Divas Champion.
Alicia wisely stuck to what had been working for her and came out swinging — or kicking — right after the opening bell. But once Nia managed to get a hold of Alicia, it was turnbuckle city for The Foxy One, who found herself pounded into the corners by her imposing opponent. After her initial attack, Nia missed a turnbuckle charge and ran into the post herself, and Alicia quickly took advantage to mount a last-ditch offense.
She certainly did enough to make Nia look human, landing a Scissor Kick for a two-count and escaping a powerslam. However, one last corner charge took the wind out of Alicia’s sails, and Nia finished the job with a Samoan Drop.
Give Alicia credit where credit is due, as she took a Superstar who mainly relies on her power (and often her power alone) and forced Nia to adjust. She did just that. In the end, this was not an instance of being outfoxed. Simply outfought.