Following a valiant effort against WWE Cruiserweight Champion Drew Gulak and Humberto Carrillo at WWE Clash of Champions, Lince Dorado makes amends with his fellow Lucha House Party brothers Gran Metalik and Kalisto.
In recent weeks, Ariya Daivari made a nefarious effort to drive a wedge between Lince Dorado and the other members of The Lucha House Party by attempting to convince The Golden Lynx that he didn’t need Kalisto or Gran Metalik to be successful. Daivari’s exploits led to some tension between Dorado, Metalik and Kalisto that was also centered on their differing opinions of Humberto Carrillo.
However, following a valiant effort against Carrillo and WWE Cruiserweight Champion Drew Gulak at WWE Clash of Champions, Dorado is once again on the same page as Kalisto and Gran Metalik, and The Lucha House Party are stronger than ever. As a result, The Golden Lynx will face the very Superstar who attempted to tear them apart – Ariya Daivari – tonight!