Akira Tozawa def. Gentleman Jack Gallagher

With his friend and mentor in his corner, Akira Tozawa battles Gentleman Jack Gallagher in singles action.

During the Six-Pack Challenge to determine who would face WWE Cruiserweight Champion Drew Gulak at SummerSlam, Gentleman Jack Gallagher took Akira Tozawa out of contention following a wicked headbutt. Although Gallagher didn’t win the match, The Brian Kendrick felt Tozawa would have faced Gulak if not for the British Superstar.

Gallagher landed the first big blow of the fight when he used his legs as leverage and launched The Stamina Monster into the ring post and sent him tumbling to the floor. Stunned from the fall, Tozawa was tended to by Kendrick before narrowly making the official’s 10-count.

The former Cruiserweight Champion continued to mount an impressive attack – despite a nasty cut on his forehead from the ring post – and certainly lived up to his “Stamina Monster” moniker. Continuing to ramp up the pressure on Gallagher, Tozawa grew frustrated as The British Superstar displayed his own resilience, eventually rebounding and taking down the aggressor with an impressive dropkick.

Gallagher took the battle to the top rope, but he was countered and dropped awkwardly on the mat, allowing Tozawa to execute the Senton for the victory.

The win was not without controversy, as Gallagher placed one foot on the bottom rope, but Kendrick appeared to accidentally (or purposely?) knock it off while slamming the canvas in excitement for his friend’s impending victory.
