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NEW ORLEANS — The epic struggle between friends Mustafa Ali and Cedric Alexander – the heart and soul of WWE 205 Live, respectively – came to an epic, yet bittersweet end at WrestleMania 34 where Alexander defeated Ali to finally reach the mountaintop and claim the WWE Cruiserweight Championship.
It was a long journey for both Superstars. When the WWE Cruiserweight Championship was held in abeyance on Jan. 23, Alexander lost an opportunity that awaited him at Royal Rumble. That same night, Alexander defeated Ali in a fast-paced showcase of each Superstar’s ability, setting the tone for the WWE Cruiserweight Championship Tournament that kicked off the next week. Facing off against some of the best Cruiserweights in the world, Ali and Alexander vanquished the competition, earning their chance to compete on The Grandest Stage of Them All.
The mutual respect between the two Superstars was clearly on display as they shook hands before Alexander encouraged Ali to show the WWE Universe what the Cruiserweight division was all about. Once the pleasantries were out of the way, the two exchanged heavy shots and daring aerial maneuvers, encouraging and taunting each other along the way.
Alexander eventually took control of the contest by taking down Ali with an incredible dive to the outside. Utilizing his strength and striking advantage, Cedric focused his attention on his opponent’s midsection and used his technical ability to keep the high-flying Ali grounded.
However, Ali – who took an incredible amount of punishment throughout the tournament – battled back with quick strikes and high-impact moves that left Alexander on the defensive. In an incredible show of resiliency, Alexander stopped Ali’s momentum with an unbelievable Spanish Fly in the middle of the ring.
The battle continued as both competitors made their way to the top rope. Ali kept the pressure on Alexander, executing a jaw-dropping Spanish Fly that left even John Cena – who was in the Mercedes-Benz Superdome crowd – in disbelief. Attempting to seize on his momentum, Ali tried to set up his patented 054, but Alexander launched him off the top rope to the floor. Despite the cringe-inducing landing, Ali regained his composure to execute an incredible sequence of a reverse hurricanrana, tornado DDT and the 054.
Securing the pinfall, Ali had victory in sight until the official noticed Alexander’s foot on the ropes. Frustrated, Ali unleashed on his friend with unbridled rage. Attempting the 054 again, Ali came up short as Alexander rolled out of the way, and once again the heart and soul of WWE 205 Live stood at odds.
Charging forward, Alexander nailed Ali with two reverse elbows before reluctantly hitting a third. Alexander then lifted Ali into the air and executed the Lumbar Check to win the WWE Cruiserweight Championship. It was a crowning achievement for Alexander, but both competitors will leave New Orleans looking like stars.