So tweeted AJ Lee at the culmination of a night’s sleep that could best be described as an after-hours nap. She wakes her (unstolen) boyfriend Dolph Ziggler from his slumber — no doubt filled with visions of a WWE Tag Team Title conquest at WrestleMania — not realizing that his session at radio row begins long after hers. The until-recently snoozing Showoff isn’t usually quick to forgive, but for AJ, he makes many exceptions.
“He’s my ‘Ziggy’ and he’s so nice and he never gets mad at me,” AJ says with a mischievous grin. “He just kind of played it off.”
As she navigates the Axxess floor for radio row — where media personalities talk WrestleMania with elite WWE Superstars and Divas — AJ exudes excitement despite her lack of sleep. Her morning is packed with vibrant conversations about her lifelong passion, going from chatting with Fresno, Calif., DJ Danny Salas about the thrill of seeing Big E Langston compete in his first WWE match to gushing about the managerial skill set of “Sensational” Sherri with Peter Rosenberg of New York’s Hot 97 fame.
“I have to do a lot of radio interviews, and the hosts aren’t always knowledgeable about WWE,” AJ explains. “Everyone today was clearly a fan and knew what they were talking about. That’s always a pleasant surprise.”
“I got to meet Trish two years ago in an elevator, and she was just very sweet and said that she saw big things in me,” AJ says after the pair’s laughter-filled conversation. “That was so flattering. She’s always given me guidance, and to this day, even during her busy week, she found the time to offer me advice. Little 13-year-old AJ is flipping out on the inside.”
As to the exact nature of this particular impromptu encounter?
“Besides me apologizing for stealing Trish’s hair multiple times throughout my life — which is a recurring theme for me — she just always has a helpful lesson to give me and I always have questions for her,” AJ affirms, excitedly texting her “Ziggy” about the experience. “But what we were talking about stays between us.”
As sunlight pours into the stadium roof, AJ gazes upon a landscape that instantly makes this year’s WrestleMania more tangible than ever.
“Doing interviews and talking about WrestleMania, it still feels so far away, but after seeing the ring and walking down the ramp, it’s actually happening,” she says, peering up at the grandiose WrestleMania set. “I definitely don’t see myself sleeping at all Saturday night. This is what I imagine Christmas is like for regular children. I’m going to be up all night and will, in turn, keep ‘Ziggy’ up all night.”
Initially expressing some mild disappointment that the home of TV’s “Cake Boss” serves nothing in the way of “big plates of meat,” Langston enters the crowded-to-capacity bakery and ultimately casts his gaze upon a glass case bearing a vast selection of sugary treats. But there’s one dessert that tempts above all others: strawberry shortcake. Langston does not leave Carlo’s dissatisfied, and neither does AJ.
“I worked in Hoboken and I passed by Carlo’s and I watched the show, but I just never thought I’d have the patience to wait in line with a couple hundred people,” AJ tells WWE.com. “It was cool to be able to beat the crowds … I think people were afraid of E.”
Not really feeling the need to set aside any indulgences for Dolph, proclaiming that she’s “all the sweetness he needs,” AJ plans on treating herself this afternoon, especially given the hectic morning she’s had.
“I’ve been up since 3:30, so I’m going to fall asleep with cupcake hanging out of my mouth as I have a serious sugar crash,” AJ affirms. “And that’s the way to nap.”
“I’m hoping we get caught in traffic so we can catch up a little bit, because texting isn’t the same,” The Showoff tells WWE.com en route to the Sheraton New York Times Square Hotel for the event. Yet despite Dolph’s preference for analog interactions as his girlfriend nestled beside him, both he and AJ can’t seem to put their phones down, perhaps sending one another covert digital messages not meant for the prying eyes and ears of others in the car.
Upon their arrival at the hotel, AJ and Dolph gaze out the window at the New York City streets below, contemplating grandiose plans for WrestleMania and beyond.
“Like any of the [WrestleMania] Reading Challenge events, my favorite part is seeing what Dolph will be like as a dad,” AJ says, glancing sidelong at The Showoff, who lends his signature to a book-loving child’s copy of the latest WWE Encyclopedia. “He’s really great with kids.”
The scene is oddly low-key for this show-stealing pair, AJ face-deep in a comic book while Dolph thumbs through his Twitter backlog. The time for bombast, it seems, will come in less than 48 hours.