WrestleMania 2000 - April 2, 2000
Arrowhead Pond (Anaheim, Calif.)
Big Boss Man & Bull Buchanan def. D-Lo Brown & The Godfather w/ Ice-T
Hardcore Battle Royal
Hardcore Holly was the final winner in the Hardcore Championship Battle Royal that also included Tazz, Kaientei, Mean Street Posse, The Headbangers, Viscera, The Acolytes and Crash Holly to become Hardcore Champion
Test & Albert w/ Trish Stratus def. Al Snow & Steve Blackman, w/ Chester McCheeserton
World Tag Team Championship Ladder Match
Edge & Christian def. the Dudleys and Hardy Boyz to become new champions
Terri def. The Kat
Too Cool & Chyna def. The Radicalz
Intercontinental and European Championship Triple Threat Match
Chris Benoit pinned Chris Jericho to win the Intercontinental Championship; Chris Jericho pinned Chris Benoit to become European Champion; Kurt Angle was never pinned but lost both titles
Kane & Rikishi def. Road Dogg & X-Pac
Fatal Four Way Elimination WWE Championship Main Event
Triple H w/ Stephanie McMahon def. The Rock w/ Mr. McMahon, Mick Foley w/ Linda McMahon and Big Show w/ Shane McMahon to retain