Inside Anaheim, Calif.’s Arrowhead Pond, Shawn Michaels realized his boyhood dream, going the distance and beyond against Bret Hart in an 61-minute WWE Iron Man Match to capture the WWE Title. A show-long narrative followed the traversing fight between Goldust and “Rowdy” Roddy Piper, which began miles away at a Hollywood studio back lot. Plus, The Undertaker put the final nail in the coffin of Diesel’s WrestleMania career, Tombstoning and pinning the former WWE Champion to continue The Streak.
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Inside Anaheim, Calif.’s Arrowhead Pond, Shawn Michaels realized his boyhood dream, going the distance and beyond against Bret Hart in an 61-minute WWE Iron Man Match to capture the WWE Title. A show-long narrative followed the traversing fight between Goldust and “Rowdy” Roddy Piper, which began miles away at a Hollywood studio back lot. Plus, The Undertaker put the final nail in the coffin of Diesel’s WrestleMania career, Tombstoning and pinning the former WWE Champion to continue The Streak.