
Survivor Series: WarGames

Match Results

Time and location

Sunday, Nov 23 | 8 PMET/5 PMPT

Adam Rose & The Bunny vs. Slater-Gator

ST. LOUIS — The Exotic Express seemingly found a new idol, following The Bunny & Adam Rose’s victory over Slater-Gator at Survivor Series...and he had a cotton tail.

The impromptu match was made when Slater-Gator interrupted an attempted peacemaking between Rose and The Bunny backstage. Butting their way into the party animals’ playtime with Mattel’s WWE Super Strikers, Heath Slater & Titus O’Neil tried to stir the pot between the two, saying The Bunny’s popularity is eclipsing Rose’s.

See action-packed photos from the match

The tension between Rose and The Bunny was thick as The Rosebuds made their way to the ring, with Rose refusing to let The Bunny do his trademark trust fall.

That may have been a big mistake because it didn’t take long for The Bunny to return the insult to Rose. Slater-Gator manhandled the ringleader of The Exotic Express until he tagged in his furry friend. Hopping into action, The Bunny took matters into his own lucky feet, bulldozing through Slater-Gator and earning the victory with a top-rope dropkick on Slater!

The Rosebuds exploded in elation following The Bunny’s big win, setting up for their animal friend to finally take the trust fall! As a stunned Adam Rose watched on, his followers carried The Bunny off in celebration as he looked on in loneliness.