The Usos confronted the reunited Team Hell No

Daniel Bryan & Kane attempt to discuss their reunion, but they're soon confronted by The Usos, who feel Team Hell No haven't earned their SmackDown Tag Team Title Match.

OMAHA, Neb. — Following their shocking reunion last week, Team Hell No kicked off SmackDown LIVE by chatting with Renee Young. Kane explained to the WWE Universe that he figured it would only be a matter of time before Daniel Bryan could use some backup and that The Beard’s run-in with The Bludgeon Brothers last week was the time to come to the rescue. However, as the two friends tried to express their excitement about their upcoming SmackDown Tag Team Championship opportunity at WWE Extreme Rules, they also couldn’t help but fall back into their old patterns of arguing over… well, pretty much everything. The two soon found themselves in a shouting match, but they were quickly interrupted by The Usos. 

Jimmy and Jey were happy to see that Team Hell No were back together but took great exception to Bryan & Kane receiving a title opportunity right out of the gate. The Usos believed that Bryan and Kane had been awarded the title match for all the wrong reasons, a claim that Team Hell No of course refuted. Seeing tensions rising between the two teams, SmackDown LIVE General Manager Paige hit the scene with a blockbuster announcement: Team Hell No would receive their opportunity against The Bludgeon Brothers for the SmackDown Tag Team Titles at WWE Extreme Rules no matter what. However, if The Usos could defeat Team Hell No tonight in the main event, Jimmy & Jey would be added to the match to make it a Triple Threat.

And, well, how do you say “no” to that?!