Is Bobby Roode’s U.S. Title reign in danger?

Who answers the call for competition when The Glorious One challenges anyone to step up and try to take his United States Title?

The Glorious One is out to prove that he’s a fighting United States Champion, and last week, he issued an open challenge to anyone willing to step up, though he really wanted Randy Orton to answer the call after being RKO’d by The Viper last week.

Bobby Roode nearly got his wish when The Viper arrived, but Jinder Mahal followed to cut the proceedings short and stir the pot between The Viper and the United States Champion. The Modern Day Maharaja set off a brawl that led to Mahal hitting both Roode and Orton with his patented Khallas. Orton has vowed that he’s coming after Roode’s title, but with Mahal ready to interject himself, will he have a clear road to the star-spangled championship?