Prior to the highly-anticipated 6-Man Tag Team Match at WWE Battleground, Enzo & Cass go to war against AJ Styles & Karl Anderson with Luke Gallows at ringside.

AJ Styles & Karl Anderson def. Enzo Amore & Big Cass

Claiming they didn’t have anything better to do than hurt The Club, Enzo & Big Cass took on AJ Styles and Karl Anderson in a thrilling tag team showdown on the final Thursday SmackDown.

With the referee distracted in the height of the action, an interfering Luke Gallows craftily, and shadily, toppled Big Cass and sent the 7-footer off the apron before Enzo could tag him in. This opened the door for Anderson to ambush Big Cass on the ringside floor, as The Phenomenal One locked in the Calf Crusher on Amore in the middle of the ring for the submission victory.