After brawling backstage and interfering in each other's matches in recent weeks, Randy Orton finally battles Alberto Del Rio one-on-one ... in a Falls Count Anywhere Match.
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Due to their personal rivalry and the chaotic nature of a Falls Count Anywhere Match, Orton and Del Rio fight ringside and backstage.
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The brutal showdown that would stretch into the U.K. crowd and all over the arena, as the fierce rivals clash.
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It's bedlam in Birmingham, England, as The Mexican Aristocrat and The Viper batter each other throughout LG Arena.
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When Ricardo Rodriguez gets involved, Orton kicks Del Rio's personal ring announcer.
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The Viper hurls Rodriguez into a phone booth for a major beatdown.
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Locked in the excruciating Cross Armbreaker, Orton manages to escape defeat by whacking his adversary in the head with a nearby microphone.
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When Del Rio goes for another chair attack, WWE's Apex Predator catches him with a devastating RKO onto the steel steps for the victory.