Y2J tells the WWE Universe what he thinks of them and AJ Styles.

“Y2AJ” goes down in flames

Despite the “boos” voiced in his direction, Chris Jericho remained defiant, focusing his bitterness toward WWE fans. Just three days after his shocking attack on AJ Styles, The Ayatollah of Rock ’n’ Rolla continued to put the blame on the WWE Universe, accusing every one of disrespecting him, ignoring his greatness and choosing The Phenomenal One over him with their chants of “AJ Styles.” 

Y2J proceeded to light a “Y2AJ” T-shirt on fire while declaring the popular pairing to be officially over. The decorated Superstar did not stop there, guaranteeing that his former tag team partner’s career will go up in flames, and he will be the one to light the fire. 


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