
Royal Rumble

Match Results

Time and location

Sunday, Jan 26 | 7 PMET/4 PMPT

United States Champion Andrade def. Humberto Carrillo

HOUSTON — Following a month on the sidelines thanks to Andrade’s Hammerlock DDT on exposed concrete, Humberto Carrillo returned to action seeking retribution. However, Carrillo’s hopes to finally capture the United States Championship were dashed as Andrade fended off the young Superstar’s challenge and left with the title.

After Andrade defeated Rey Mysterio in a ladder match on Raw, Carrillo made his return and attacked the United States Champion, proving there was no love lost.

Andrade methodically worked to dismantle his young opponent, focusing on Carrillo’s left arm. Struggling to stop Andrade’s onslaught, Carrillo finally countered an advance from the champion with a huge moonsault on the outside.

After Carrillo missed another moonsault, Andrade capitalized by drilling the challenger with running double knees, but Carrillo remained in the battle.

After hitting a huge hurricanrana off the top rope, Carrillo was still unable to keep Andrade down for the three-count. Back in the center of the ring, Carrillo rolled up the U.S. Champion for another pinfall attempt, but Andrade reversed it into pinfall of his own for the victory.

While Carrillo’s return to action did not end the way he hoped, he proved that he could push the United States Champion to limit.