Rusev & Liv Morgan to battle Bobby Lashley & Lana in Mixed Tag Team Match

Bobby Lashley defeated Rusev in their latest battle on Raw in a manner that was both demoralizing and far from decisive, as The All Mighty only earned the victory after a scuffle between Lana and Liv Morgan threw the match into chaos. Next week, then, seems to be setting up a far more definitive clash, as Lashley & Lana will team up against Rusev & Liv in a Mixed Tag Team Match that brings all corners of this tangled web together. That Lana issued the challenge was a bad sign for Lashley, who seemed aware that he had gotten lucky against Rusev and was more than ready to be rid of him. With Rusev and Liv more than willing to take another crack at their tormentors, it’s safe to say this one is going to be wild.