After defeating Luke Gallows, Ricochet faces The Club’s Karl Anderson as AJ Styles looks on.

United States Champion Ricochet def. Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson

Never let it be said Ricochet doesn’t know what he’s walking into: Although AJ Styles is his opponent this Sunday, the high-flyer is painfully aware that he’ll have to contend with the entire Club if he wants to escape Extreme Rules with his United States Title. The last word of his pre-match interview — “In the end, I’ll just have to fight all three” — ended up being oddly prophetic, as Luke Gallows and then Karl Anderson battled the titleholder in consecutive matches with Styles looming large at ringside.

Even though the U.S. Champion quickly dispatched both Good Brothers, those matches were little more than pretext to wear him down in advance of the inevitable attack from Styles, who slid into the ring and instigated another 3-on-1 mauling the second Ricochet defeated Anderson. In what was as close to a merciful gesture as Styles had to offer, he promised to stop the beating so long as Ricochet stayed down. True to form, the champion did not obey, and Styles did what he promised, dropping Ricochet with a Phenomenal Forearm seconds later.