One night after winning the Royal Rumble, a fired-up Seth Rollins kicks off Monday Night Raw!
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Rollins remembers being a kid and always wanting to point at the sign and go to WrestleMania.
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Triple H hits the ring, and he is happy that Seth lived his dream and pointed at the sign, as he recalls challenging The Architect.
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Triple H tells Rollins that he has to make his decision on who he’ll face here tonight on Raw.
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Rollins thinks it’s going to be one of the hardest decisions of his life, but he’s ready to make the call tonight.
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Dean Ambrose suddenly hits the scene!
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Ambrose is sickened by the “father-son schtick,” and he claims Triple H never believed in Rollins...
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… and Triple H gets in Ambrose’s face and reminds him of when he stabbed his brother in the back on the same night that Roman Reigns made his announcement that he was fighting leukemia.
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Ambrose claims he’s the one guy Seth Rollins has never been able to defeat fair and square, and he wants a match against him right now.
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“Do you need to ask permission from your father-in-law to make this match?” Ambrose asks.