WWE Tag Team Champion Big E def. Karl Anderson

"Doctor" Anderson attempts to perform a follow-up exam on the recuperated Big E.

The past few weeks have been a roller-coaster for Big E. First, the WWE Tag Team Champion suffers a debilitating case of ringpostitis, only to return at the moment of truth and save his fellow New Day members (and Jon Stewart) from the hands of diabolical doctors Luke Gallows & Karl Anderson. Now, the big man is back in earnest, defeating Anderson in a singles match that’s both his first bit of in-ring action in almost a month and the one-year anniversary of New Day’s reign as W. W. E. World. Tag. Team. Champions.

All in all, the good brothers’ insistence that they’re owed a title match on the back of last night’s disqualification ruling might not be without merit. But clearly, having New Day at full force changes the complexion of any such match, as they were able to neutralize an interfering Gallows before Big E scooped up a mid-sprint Anderson into the Big Ending.

Luke Gallows & Karl Anderson crash The New Day's post-SummerSlam festivities.
