The Chairman himself, Mr. McMahon, emerges and demands Raw General Manager Brad Maddox come out and answer for his actions.
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Mr. McMahon states that Maddox, when refereeing Raw's opening match between Daniel Bryan and Wade Barrett, gave a very quick three-count against Bryan.
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Maddox apologizes for his actions and suggests he get a second chance ... as the referee in the match between WWE Champion John Cena and Bryan at SummerSlam!
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Mr. McMahon appears moved by Maddox's apology and prepares to instate him as the official for the summer classic ...
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... but Triple H crashes the party!
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The Game addresses his father-in-law and the Raw GM, offering his own solution to the situation.
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Triple H hits Maddox with a searing Pedigree and declares himself the special guest referee in the SummerSlam headliner!
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The WWE Universe goes wild for the shocking announcement – not to mention the face full of canvas for Maddox.