It's New Year's Eve, and Dolph Ziggler and AJ Lee take to the ring to deliver their toast.
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The Showoff has words in particular for one Superstar: John Cena.
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Dolph and AJ run down a list of Cena's more dubious moments of 2012, besmirching the name of the 10-time WWE Champion as the year draws to a close.
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Cena arrives with words of his own for the happy couple, interrupting their New Year's kiss.
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The Cenation leader promises to become champion again, entering his name in the Royal Rumble Match as a first step. He then wishes Dolph and AJ a happy 2013 filled with the one thing they are full of ...
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... And a sloppy mess falls from the rafters onto the white-clad couple, bringing their 2012 to its messy end.