Vickie Guerrero introduces her client, Mr. Money in the Bank, Dolph Ziggler.
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"You're looking at the next World Heavyweight Champion. And it's only a matter of time before I cash this baby in on Sheamus. And when I do, I'm going to become the greatest champion in WWE history."
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Chris Jericho strides to the ring to give The Showoff a piece of his mind ...
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... But Ziggler's having none of it.
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"No, not tonight. For once, Chris, this isn't about you. You're not going to leach on in here and steal my spotlight. This is my time, this is my moment. I won my Money in the Bank Match last night. You didn’t win yours."
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"While I'm at it, when was the last time you won anything?"
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"No one has been given more main-event opportunities than you. You've been coasting along for so long you've got everybody fooled. You're all hype."
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"Is it possible that you're losing your touch? That you can't win the big one anymore?"