15 of Raw's Most Memorable Closing Moments


You never know what to expect in the closing moments of Raw. As the historic 1,000th episode of Raw draws near on July 23, take a look back at 15 final show moments, including some you may have never seen before when the USA Network cameras stopped filming.

"The Rock Concert" continued after Raw

March 12, 2012

The cameras kept rolling as The Rock Concert continues in this WWE.com Exclusive.

The verbal barbs between The Rock and John Cena reached a fever pitch on the way to their “Once in a Lifetime” showdown at WrestleMania XXVIII. On the March 12, 2012, edition of Raw, they squared off in a Rock Concert vs. John Cena rap. ( WATCH: JOHN CENA'S RAP) After the USA Network cameras stopped filming, Rock had even more to say to Cena and the WWE Universe. ( WATCH)

John Cena on Edge’s shocking retirement

April 11, 2011

In one of the most unexpected WWE moments ever, Edge announced his retirement on the April 11, 2011, edition of Raw in Bridgeport, Conn. The entire WWE Universe was stunned. At the end of the night, John Cena recalled Edge’s career and rallied fans to give the future Hall of Famer the proper send-off. ( MORE ON EDGE'S CAREER)

Shawn Michaels returned to Raw

Oct. 8, 2007

After Randy Orton won the WWE Championship from Triple H at No Mercy, The Chairman demanded that the entire Raw roster convene in the ring to congratulate the new champion personally. As Orton entered, he was greeted by most of the roster, but not Triple H. An irate Mr. McMahon ordered Orton to find The Game and drag him out to ringside. But before The Viper could make his way backstage, “Sexy Boy” blasted through the speakers and the legendary Heartbreak Kid — who’d been sidelined by Orton months earlier — appeared to taunt the newly crowned champion and satisfyingly superkick Orton’s teeth into the nosebleeds.

Undertaker’s beer bash

July 19, 1999

“Stone Cold” Steve Austin and The Undertaker were slated to compete for the WWE Championship at Fully Loaded with the stipulation that if Austin lost, he could never vie for the title again. During the main event (Triple H vs. Undertaker), Austin ran in, blindsided The Phenom and then went to work on a wheelchair-bound Chairman. However, as Austin celebrated and Raw went off the air, Undertaker beat Austin senseless with a beer can.

Mick Foley rocked The Rock

Jan. 4, 1999

Mankind beat the odds when he defeated The Rock in a No Disqualification WWE Title Match, with everyone from D-Generation X to “Stone Cold” Steve Austin getting involved. The victory race around the ring drew an enormous reaction from the crowd, making this triumph as memorable for the WWE Universe as it was for WWE’s new champion.

The Alliance is Born

July 8, 2001

After acquiring WCW, Shane McMahon knew he couldn’t match dollars with his dad. But he was able to outsmart him by taking over ECW with an assist from Stephanie McMahon, who was revealed as the new owner. As Raw went off the air, the two stood in the ring, as a shocked Chairman stood at the top of the ramp.

Taking out the trash

Dec. 5, 2005

As Raw’s General Manager, Eric Bischoff was power crazy, arrogant and absurd. At the close of this edition of Raw, Mr. McMahon, Mick Foley and John Cena told him his time was up. Bischoff defended himself, but in the end was fired, roughed up by Cena and tossed into a garbage truck.

Kane unmasks

June 23, 2003

Triple H defeats Kane in Madison Square Garden, forcing The Big Red Machine to remove his mask before the WWE Universe on Raw on June 23, 2003.

Eric Bischoff, never one to back away from controversy, decided that the rivalry between Triple H and Kane would be decided with a Title vs. Mask Match, meaning if Kane lost, we would finally see the gruesome face he's hidden for years. The Big Red Monster didn’t stand a chance, as Evolution cost him the match and the last shred of his sanity when he was forced to peel back his mask.

Hulk Hogan, John Cena and Batista posedown

Aug. 15, 2005

John Cena, Batista and Hulk Hogan have a post-Raw celebration never before seen on video until now!

On this night in Montreal, Raw kicked off with Shawn Michaels taunting the WWE Universe by saying he screwed Canada's own Bret Hart ... and he'd do it again. When Hart's theme music played and he did not emerge, HBK mocked the WWE Universe in attendance. HBK continued to antagonize fans with taunts directed toward Hogan while Hogan's theme music played.

Later in the night when Hogan finally did emerge for his match with Kurt Angle, the WWE Universe went bonkers. ( WATCH) During Hogan's bout with Angle, Michaels interfered, causing the disqualification. Next, he went for the superkick, but then hooked Hogan in the Sharpshooter.

When Raw went off the air, the WWE Universe in attendance was treated to a match pitting Hulk Hogan, John Cena & Batista against John Bradshaw Layfield, Michaels & Angle. After Hogan's team won, they celebrated the victorious ending with a posedown. ( WATCH)

Austin goes over the edge

April 12, 1999

The WWE Universe knew that "Stone Cold" Steve Austin was the toughest Superstar in the land. But in the sea? Threatening to throw the "Smoking Skull" title into a river, The Rock baited Austin, who showed up ready to brawl. The Rock was able to maneuver Austin over the edge, knocking him into the river.

Undertaker torches teddy

February 22, 1999

At this time, The Undertaker was single-minded in his pursuit of demonic dominance over WWE. To get under Mr. McMahon’s skin, Paul Bearer sent a teddy bear to him before The Deadman’s main event Inferno Match with Kane. Realizing the bear belonged to Stephanie, Mr. McMahon stood in shock. When The Phenom lit the bear ablaze, The Chairman fell to his knees in horror.

Batista bombs Triple H through a table

February 21, 2005

After Batista overheard Triple H and Ric Flair masterminding a plan to move him to SmackDown — and far away from Triple H’s World Heavyweight Championship — he knew he had to take matters into his own hands. So come contract-signing time, The Animal ended his longtime allegiance with Evolution by Batista Bombing the King of Kings through eight feet of unforgiving wood.

Randy Orton punts John Cena’s dad

Aug. 27, 2010

With his eyes on John Cena’s WWE Championship, Randy Orton was willing to do anything to claim it — even attack Cena’s father during the Raw main event, in Cena’s home state, Massachusetts, no less! After dragging Cena Sr. from his ringside seat and over the guardrail, he knocked him down and then administered a running kick to the side of his face.

Sweet Chin Music, brother

July 4, 2005

Shawn Michaels shocks the world and gives Hulk Hogan Sweet Chin Music.

At the request of Shawn Michaels, Hulk Hogan returned to the ring for “one more match” with HBK in 2005. The perfect tag team defeated opponents with ease, but during a fateful celebration, Michaels cued up Sweet Chin Music and laid out the Hulkster, leaving the crowd stunned and salivating at the idea of a dream match between the two Superstars.

“Stone Cold” sacrificed

Dec. 7, 1998

On this night, "Stone Cold" Steve Austin and Mankind faced off against The Undertaker and The Rock. After taking a chair shot, Austin was dragged off by Druids to a giant Undertaker symbol, onto which he was tied and raised up in one of the most iconic moments of the Attitude Era, and one of the creepiest we’ve ever seen on Raw.

Click here for video playlist of 15 Raw moments that you didn't see on TV.

Click here for full coverage of Raw’s 1,000th episode, airing at 8/7 CT on USA Network.
