Divas Champion Layla takes to the ring to introduce Raw's guest star for the night, Cyndi Lauper.
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Accompanied by WWE Hall of Famer Wendi Richter, Lauper makes her return to a WWE ring after a more than 20-year absence.
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Lauper hasn't gotten five seconds into her address to the WWE Universe when ...
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... Heath Slater makes his presence known. "Wait just one minute. I know we're nowhere near the Long Island railroad, but this? This right here? All of this is nothing but a train wreck."
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Slater prepares to serenade the crowd with his first single.
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"Rowdy" Roddy Piper is the next to join the fray.
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"You never even liked Cyndi Lauper back in the day, what are you doing here?" shrieks Slater.
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Lauper opines that Piper's seen the error of his ways and is here to apologize, and the Hall of Famer presents her with a gift.
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The gift? A gold record to replace the one that was destroyed during a fracas with Captain Lou Albano back in the '80s.
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"How about you four get out of my ring and shut up, so the whole world can hear my single, and I will be getting a gold record one day," says Slater. "I'm a one man baaaaaand ..."
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Piper attacks Slater with a poke to the eyes ...
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... Lauper readies her attack ...
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... and delivers a crushing blow to Slater's head with the gold record.