After Mark Henry is ruled the winner by count-out, John Laurinaitis and David Otunga emerge from the backstage area and Laurinaitis warns that "dark clouds" lay on the champion's horizon.
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Enter Chris Jericho, who bursts from the crowd to further his torment of Punk. "[Our WrestleMania match] was a classic and I think that we, as gentlemen, should celebrate with a drink."
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The jilted Jericho retrieves a bottle of liquor and sneers at Punk: "I would like to propose a toast: to WrestleMania, to your dear old dad, and to you. Bottoms up."
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Not satisfied, Jericho takes a second bottle and snarls, "Make sure you don't drink too much, because it could go to your head!" and smashes the glass against The Second City Saint's head.