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WWE NXT UK results: May 5, 2022

Noam Dar held the first-ever edition of “Supernova Sessions 2.0” with special guest Lash Legend

NXT 2.0 Superstar Lash Legend graced the latest edition of “Supernova Sessions” with Noam Dar and Sha Samuels. The starstruck Dar & Samuels began the special occasion with a pair of bouquets for Legend before the animated trio discussed Legend’s plans while on NXT UK. After Samuels gave his odds on all the NXT 2.0 Superstars, Legend stood up to put the entire NXT UK Women’s division on notice.

Tiger Turan def. Tate Mayfairs

Tiger Turan impressed and stunned the NXT UK Universe in attendance at the BT Sports Studio with a display of his high-flying style against Tate Mayfairs. The Himalayan Superstar took Mayfairs off his feet with a pinpoint dropkick before tossing him across the ring with a butterfly suplex.

Mayfairs locked up Turan to keep the highflyer grounded, but Turan escaped the submission attempt to deliver a missile dropkick. Turan kept his foot on the gas, flattening Mayfairs with a 360-degree senton from the top rope to score the pinfall.

Damon Kemp def. Danny Jones

After the disrespectful odds Sha Samuels gave Damon Kemp for his NXT UK debut, the former Minnesota grappler immediately took down Danny Jones to show off his collegiate wrestling background.

Jones looked to spoil Kemp’s debut with a brutal clothesline, but after trading uppercuts Kemp powered back with two quick belly-to-belly superplexes. After Jones dropped Kemp with an enzuigiri for a near fall, the NXT 2.0 Superstar hoisted Jones up for a running powerslam and the 1-2-3.

As Kemp celebrated his NXT UK debut victory, Samuels flew into the ring to pummel Kemp with a flurry of right hands and kicks while berating the up-and-comer.

Meiko Satomura def. Isla Dawn to retain the NXT UK Women’s Title

NXT UK Women’s Champion Meiko Satomura didn’t want to wait for the bell to ring before getting her hands on Isla Dawn, delivering a huge forearm to Dawn after the lights around the ring went dark. Satomura hounded Dawn as action spilled outside the ring where Dawn slammed The Final Boss face-first onto the apron before pulling out an assortment of weapons from underneath the ring.

As the two Superstars traded blows outside the ring, Dawn abruptly dropped to her knees and threw her hands into the air, seemingly drawing in power from the darkness as smoke billowed out from behind her. Now focused, Dawn dropped Satomura with a suplex before rolling into the ring and pulling out her box of trophies, using a piece of Dani Luna’s hair to try and submit Satomura.

The NXT UK Women’s Champion powered out of the submission attempt and cut off Dawn as she went to grab another trinket from her trophy box, decimating “The Modern Day Witch” with a spinning back heel kick. Satomura attempted to go high risk, climbing to the top rope, but Dawn caught her with a brutal chair shot before breaking a broomstick across the back of The Final Boss.

Dawn continued to take full advantage of the no disqualification stipulation, tying Satomura’s hands to the ring post and battering her with a rope. Satomura finally found her way out of the ropes and returned the punishment to Dawn in full with numerous blasts from a Kendo Stick.

After Dawn caught Satomura with a tarantula submission in the ropes, she squashed the UK Women’s Champion with a top rope meteora onto a chair for a stunning near fall. The devious Dawn looked to suplex Satomura through another chair, but The Final Boss reversed the attempt to drop Dawn through the chair with a Death Valley Driver before delivering a Scorpio Rising to earn the win and retain the NXT UK Women’s Title.

Noam Dar held the first-ever edition of “Supernova Sessions 2.0” with special guest Lash Legend

NXT 2.0 Superstar Lash Legend graced the latest edition of “Supernova Sessions” with Noam Dar and Sha Samuels. The starstruck Dar & Samuels began the special occasion with a pair of bouquets for Legend before the...

As the two Superstars traded blows outside the ring, Dawn abruptly dropped to her knees and threw her hands into the air, seemingly drawing in power from the darkness as smoke billowed out from behind her. Now focused, Dawn dropped Satomura with a suplex before rolling into the ring and pulling out her box of trophies, using a piece of Dani Luna’s hair to try and submit Satomura.

The NXT UK Women’s Champion powered out of the submission attempt and cut off Dawn as she went to grab another trinket from her trophy box, decimating “The Modern Day Witch” with a spinning back heel kick. Satomura attempted to go high risk, climbing to the top rope, but Dawn caught her with a brutal chair shot before breaking a broomstick across the back of The Final Boss.

Dawn continued to take full advantage of the no disqualification stipulation, tying Satomura’s hands to the ring post and battering her with a rope. Satomura finally found her way out of the ropes and returned the punishment to Dawn in full with numerous blasts from a Kendo Stick.

After Dawn caught Satomura with a tarantula submission in the ropes, she squashed the UK Women’s Champion with a top rope meteora onto a chair for a stunning near fall. The devious Dawn looked to suplex Satomura through another chair, but The Final Boss reversed the attempt to drop Dawn through the chair with a Death Valley Driver before delivering a Scorpio Rising to earn the win and retain the NXT UK Women’s Title.

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