Mark Andrews

Height: 5’8”
Weight: 159 lbs.
From: Cardiff, Wales
Signature Move: Shooting Star Press

When Mark Andrews hits the ring, one thing is clear: It’s time to fly.

Inspired by the likes of Rey Mysterio and Shawn Michaels, Andrews is a high-flyer of the finest caliber. With a picture-perfect Shooting Star Press and standing moonsault among the many dazzling aerial attacks in his arsenal, Andrews’ unique skillset makes him stand out from others in the WWE United Kingdom Championship scene.

Andrews is a bit of a renaissance man, too, counting videography, video editing, graphic design and clothing design among his many skills. Plus, he’s the bassist and vocalist in the Welsh pop-punk outfit Junior. More than anything, he’s a top-tier competitor, as the WWE Universe found out when he fought his way to the semifinals of the WWE United Kingdom Championship Tournament in January 2017.