Eve and Mick Foley team up for RAINN contest

WWE Superstar Mick Foley and Eve are teaming up for a very special WrestleMania gift to raise money for RAINN, an organization dedicated to helping survivors of sexual assault and informing the community about what they can do to help. WWE.com caught up with Eve to talk about her involvement with the organization, and how the WWE Universe can get involved.

"Mick Foley had a great idea to raise money for RAINN, a cause that's near and dear to my heart. He suggested holding a raffle where you'll win the opportunity to go to WrestleMania and more importantly, have dinner with myself and some surprise Divas," Eve told WWE.com. "It's a great way to get involved in a great organization, and a great way to be a part of the best WrestleMania yet!"

RAINN is the United States' largest non-profit organization dedicated to helping victims of sexual assault. The organization provides services - such as phone hotlines, plus a new online hotline where male and female victims can reach out and receive the help they need. RAINN also educates the public, as well as advocates for victims to make sure that rapists receive punishment to the fullest extent of the law.

"All of the services RAINN offers are free. In order for these services to remain free for victims - both men and women - then we need to do what can to raise money for worthy organizations such as this," Eve advocated.

What's in store for the the winner of the raffle? A WrestleMania dream vacation for two! This once-in-a lifetime experience includes:

Enter the raffle here

If you or someone you know has been a victim of sexual assault and needs helps, call RAINN's national hotline at 1-800-656-HOPE or log on to RAINN.org.
