The Great Muta
Superstar Stats
The Great Muta
The Land of the Rising Sun
Signature Move
Moonsault; Muta Lock; Shining Wizard
Career Highlights
NWA World Champion; NWA Television Champion; WCW World Tag Team Champion; 2023 WWE Hall of Fame Inductee

The Great Muta: Bio

Innovative, aggressive and unpredictable, The Great Muta has long been considered an integral part of Japanese wrestling culture, but it was in World Championship Wrestling in the late 1980s that the unique competitor first cultivated his fascinating persona.
Debuting in 1989 as an associate of managers Gary Hart and Hiro Matsuda, Muta was introduced as the son of The Great Kabuki — the first competitor to captivate American wrestling fans with Asian mysticism, theatrical face paint and the dreaded poison mist. But The Great Muta’s startling athleticism and threatening ring presence allowed him to connect with audiences in ways Kabuki could not.
Although billed as a martial arts master, Muta’s offense extended far beyond the basic kicks and strikes every Asian competitor of his era threw. The man was an alchemist when it came to mat science, crafting both the punishing Muta Lock and the Shining Wizard — a vicious running kick to the head of a downed opponent. The other maneuvers in his arsenal — namely the moonsault and cartwheel back elbow — were every bit as breathtaking.