The Berzerker
Superstar Stats
The Berzerker
Parts Unknown
Signature Move
Big Boot

The Berzerker: Bio

The Berzerker came stomping to the rings of WWE in 1991 clad in a tunic and horned helmet while carrying a shield and sword and chanting "Huss!" The Berzerker looked like he belonged at the helm of a Viking warship.
Regardless of appearances, the fierce warrior was ruthless in the ring. Though he dropped his blade and armor before the bell, his ruthlessness never stopped. The Berzerker pummeled his opponents mercilessly, steamrolling over them like his Viking ancestors stormed through European villages.
When his hunger for destruction was sated, the hirsute madman never considered pinning his foes. Instead, he opted to toss them over the top rope and take a count-out victory as he frantically bounced back and forth off the ropes. That unique strategy came in handy in a 40-Man Battle Royal in July 1992, which he easily won.