Savio Vega: Bio

Before Savio Vega broke out as one of the most unexpected heroes of WWE’s “New Generation,” he was a star in the tumultuous world of Puerto Rican professional wrestling where fans knew him best as TNT. It was an appropriate nickname. With a serious martial arts background and a hardnosed brawling style, Vega’s two-fisted assaults were more dangerous than mixing nitro and glycerin.
Fighting his way out of the red plasma splattered rings of San Juan in 1995, Vega first appeared in WWE at the inaugural In Your House pay-per-view where he rescued Razor Ramon from an attack by Jeff Jarrett and The Roadie. The tough Puerto Rican and the macho Miami native immediately formed a strong bond, but Vega proved his worth as a solo competitor when he went to the finals of that year’s King of the Ring before falling to the massive Mabel.
The Caribbean brawler — with his barrel chest and his leather vest emblazoned with the Puerto Rican flag — began to make a name for himself at the same time that future WWE icons like “Stone Cold” Steve Austin, The Rock and Triple H were first emerging. By 1997, Vega had defeated all three of these Superstars — giving both Austin and Rock their first WWE losses in the process — proving just how effective he was in his prime.