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Longest-reigning WWE Light Heavyweight Champion

Gillberg: Bio

The deliberate drumming in his trademark entrance music was unmistakable. The sparkling pyro was unbelievable. The crowd chanting his name in unison in anticipation of his arrival was undeniable.
Then, reality would set in. The hero was, indeed, bald, and he wore black tights. And he had the same mannerisms and growl of a certain former WCW World Champion. But his neck was … let's just say less-than-massive and had more of a "pencil-neck geek" aura. The biceps — if you could call them that — didn't really cause Hulk Hogan sleepless nights. As the smoke cleared — and our hero choked on the fumes — it became painfully (yet amusingly) apparent that sometimes imitation, depending on whom you talk to, can be the finest form of flattery.
And that's how Duane Gill, better known as Gillberg, will be remembered by WWE fans and the object of his impression, Goldberg. Gillberg was WWE's playful poke at Goldberg during the height of the Monday Night War with WCW. Arguably, Gillberg personified the ruthlessness and aggression of the Attitude Era as much as "Stone Cold" Steve Austin — no one was exempt from parody and the gloves were decidedly off in the battle for Monday night supremacy.