Randy Orton & Bray Wyatt def. SmackDown Tag Team Champions Heath Slater & Rhyno

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Sunday, Dec 4 | 8 PMET/5 PMPT

American Airlines Center
Dallas, TX

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Randy Orton & Bray Wyatt def. SmackDown Tag Team Champions Heath Slater & Rhyno

Randy Orton & Bray Wyatt def. SmackDown Tag Team Champions Heath Slater & Rhyno

DALLAS — Heath Slater & Rhyno winning a tournament to become WWE Tag Team Champions earlier this fall was one of the most feel-good moments of 2016. Unfortunately, The New Wyatt Family isn’t really into the whole “feel-good” thing. At WWE TLC, Randy Orton & Bray Wyatt defeated “Beauty & The Man Beast” to capture Team Blue’s tandem titles, bringing the Wyatt clan ever closer to total dominance of SmackDown LIVE.

Despite the unmatched physical prowess of Rhyno and the never-say-quit attitude of Slater, the fighting champions just couldn’t repel the combined ferocity of The Eater of Worlds and the latest – and perhaps most lethal – member of his family, WWE’s Apex Predator. After Luke Harper sacrificed himself by absorbing a Gore meant for Orton, Wyatt distracted The Man Beast long enough for The Viper to subdue the ECW Original with a well-timed RKO.

Undeniably united in the aftermath of this decisive victory, The New Wyatt Family now looks to usher in a new era of darkness not only in SmackDown LIVE’s Tag Team division, but Team Blue as a whole. 

Heath Slater fights to survive against Bray Wyatt & Randy Orton: WWE TLC 2016 (WWE Network Exclusive)

Heath Slater summons all the strength he can muster with Rhyno against Bray Wyatt & Randy Orton in the SmackDown Tag Team Title Match at WWE TLC 2016. Courtesy of the award-winning WWE Network.

DALLAS — Heath Slater & Rhyno winning a tournament to become WWE Tag Team Champions earlier this fall was one of the most feel-good moments of 2016. Unfortunately, The New Wyatt Family isn’t really into the whole “feel-good” thing. At WWE TLC, Randy Orton & Bray Wyatt defeated “Beauty & The Man Beast” to capture Team Blue’s tandem titles, bringing the Wyatt clan ever closer to total dominance of SmackDown LIVE.

Despite the unmatched physical prowess of Rhyno and the never-say-quit attitude of Slater, the fighting champions just couldn’t repel the combined ferocity of The Eater of Worlds and the latest – and perhaps most lethal – member of his family, WWE’s Apex Predator. After Luke Harper sacrificed himself by absorbing a Gore meant for Orton, Wyatt distracted The Man Beast long enough for The Viper to subdue the ECW Original with a well-timed RKO.

Undeniably united in the aftermath of this decisive victory, The New Wyatt Family now looks to usher in a new era of darkness not only in SmackDown LIVE’s Tag Team division, but Team Blue as a whole. 

Heath Slater fights to survive against Bray Wyatt & Randy Orton: WWE TLC 2016 (WWE Network Exclusive)

Heath Slater summons all the strength he can muster with Rhyno against Bray Wyatt & Randy Orton in the SmackDown Tag Team Title Match at WWE TLC 2016. Courtesy of the award-winning WWE Network.