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Is NXT recruit Nicola Glencross the 'Best in the Galaxy'? The former Nikki Storm speaks out

Is NXT recruit Nicola Glencross the 'Best in the Galaxy'? The former Nikki Storm speaks out

"Best in the Galaxy” is not a distinction that is easily obtained — yet, Nicola Glencross has it. Competing around the globe as Nikki Storm, the newest WWE Performance Center recruit has received worldwide praise for her distinct and impressive in-ring abilities. With her NXT journey just beginning, Glencross sat down with to discuss her hopes, dream matches and how she plans to prove her grandiose nickname is more than warranted.  

WWE.COM: How does it feel to be a member of the WWE Performance Center roster?

NICOLA GLENCROSS: It feels amazing; it feels so good to be here. This is something I’ve been working towards for a really long time, so I’m just happy to be here and am excited for the future.

WWE.COM: Can you take us through the process of your signing with WWE?

GLENCROSS: Last year in London I did a tryout — that was last spring. During the summer they contacted me to start the hiring process, and then, here we are [laughs].

WWE.COM: What was the tryout like?

GLENCROSS: It was a lot of fun! We did a lot of conditioning drills, had a couple of practice matches and we did some promos. It was a three-day tryout and a fascinating experience. It was fun and it was challenging in a really good, positive way.

WWE.COM: You’ve competed internationally for much of your entire career. What advantages does that bring you as you begin your WWE career?

GLENCROSS: For me, the good thing about traveling and wrestling across all these different countries is it makes you really grow as a person. It helps your wrestling grow, it helps your skill grow, it gets you used to working with different styles, different people — you really have to adapt. At the same time, when you go to somewhere like Japan, America, Canada or anywhere in Europe, you also still can’t forget why they brought you there in the first place. You very much still have to be able to adapt, but also be yourself and bring stuff to the table.

Also, as I touched on earlier, you grow as a person, I think. The more life experience you can have, I think it’s very good and helps a lot. The important thing is holding on to what you are and what brought you to the table, but also to adapt, because, in wrestling, you never know what to expect, so you have to be very open-minded. You have to go with the flow and fight for the stuff that you really want.

WWE.COM: What are your first impressions of the WWE Performance Center?

GLENCROSS: The first time I ever walked into the Performance Center was back in January and the only way I can really describe it is you finally understand what it’s like to go down the rabbit hole from “Alice in Wonderland.” I just remember looking around and it’s got the training rings, this amazing gym facility, the promo rooms — you’ve got all the tools there to succeed. It’s just this amazing facility and it’s unbelievable that I get to go there every day. For me, it really was like falling down the rabbit hole and you kind of pinch yourself. You have to know why you’re there. You’re like, “Oh wow, this is amazing, this is a dream come true,” but at the same time, you can’t let your nerves get to you and you have to be confident because you’re there for a reason and you need to prove that reason every single day.

WWE.COM: What are your short- and long-term goals as you begin your tenure here in WWE?

GLENCROSS: NXT Women’s Championship, WWE Women’s Championship, Tag Team Championship … by myself [laughs]. No, for me, I’ve got goals in mind and I want to leave a legacy behind, and in 20 years’ time, I want people to know exactly who I was. I want to be in the WWE Hall of Fame, I want to achieve greatness, I want to have these amazing matches, I want to have history-making matches and I do want to become champion. I’ve got big goals for myself.

WWE.COM: What do you think of the women’s wrestling revolution that has taken place over the past year in WWE?

GLENCROSS: To watch it, the TakeOver matches and just everything, was fantastic and awesome. There are so many great female Superstars on the roster that I’m excited and can’t wait to work with them. I’m looking forward to having matches with the women I’ve been watching for a long time. I really think it’s a great movement, and I think it’s a great time to be a part of the division. And yeah, I want to be a part of it. 

WWE.COM: Any dream opponents you are looking forward to facing?

GLENCROSS: Becky Lynch. When I was 17, 18 years old and discovered [independent women’s wrestling organization] SHIMMER, I just remember loving her work and personality. I’ve been lucky enough to meet her on a couple of occasions, and she was just so unbelievably nice and also unbelievably helpful. So she is definitely one of the women I would love to wrestle. I’d love the chance to wrestle Paige again. We only got to compete with each other once on the independent scene. Natalya was always someone I really idolized growing up, and I love what she does. Bayley has been so welcoming at the Performance Center and I think we would have great matches down the line. Those are the ones off the top of my head. But really, I’m looking forward to matching up with everyone. It will be a really interesting journey, I’m sure.

WWE.COM: What do you think distinguishes you from other Superstars on the NXT or WWE rosters?

GLENCROSS: I’m “The Best in the Galaxy,” soon to be “Best in the Universe”! [Laughs] No, I’m kidding. Everyone has that attitude. Everyone wants to be first one in and the last one to leave the building. I very much have that work ethic. For me, I never feel as if [anything] is good enough. Whatever I do, I always analyze it and I always try to improve on the last time. People have always said to me I have an unhealthy obsession and I just always want to be better than everyone else. To be honest, that is what makes me stand out, because it’s not going to go away. The higher up I go, the more pressure I’m going to put on myself. I’ve always had a chip on my shoulder, especially when I first walked in the door in wrestling back in 2008 — I’ve always had a point to prove.

WWE.COM: Do you have a sense of pride in being one of the few Scottish Superstars in WWE or NXT history?

GLENCROSS: There is a massive sense of pride. I’m very proud of where I’ve come from. It’s really helped make me who I am. And, for me, I’ve gotten so much out of coming from there and from fans from back home, whether it be through Facebook, Twitter or even through my website. They reach out, and all the messages have been so kind. I even think a Scottish newspaper wrote an article about me when I came here two weeks ago. I’m definitely proud.

WWE.COM: What can the WWE Universe expect from you?

GLENCROSS: They’re going to witness something they haven’t seen before. They’re going to witness The Best in the Galaxy doing what she does best. They’re going to witness The Best in the Universe. They’re going to witness why I’ve wrestled on every single continent, why I’ve wrestled all over the world and why NXT chose me to be a part of their Women’s division.

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