Matt Riddle & Timothy Thatcher def. The Undisputed ERA to retain the NXT Tag Team Championship

Matt Riddle & Timothy Thatcher vs. Undisputed ERA – NXT Tag Team Championship Match: WWE NXT, April 15, 2020

Pete Dunne introduces the ruthless Timothy Thatcher as Matt Riddle’s replacement partner for this NXT Tag Team Championship Match against Undisputed ERA’s Roderick Strong & Bobby Fish. Catch WWE action on WWE Network, FOX, USA Network, Sony India and more.

Facing The Undisputed ERA in one's NXT debut is about as tough as it gets, but Timothy Thatcher was up to the task and then some. 

Revealed as Matt Riddle's temporary partner to defend the NXT Tag Team Championships, Thatcher joined forces with The Original Bro to overcome Roderick Strong & Bobby Fish.

Riddle & Thatcher showcased uncanny chemistry despite their lack of experience together, at one point hitting gut-wrench suplexes in stereo on their opponents before Thatcher launched Riddle into a Floating Bro on Strong. 

After trading hard-hitting strikes with Strong down the stretch, Thatcher eventually locked on the Fujiwara armbar, and Strong immediately tapped. 

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